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The missing piece of your smart contract deployment workflow

Contrak is a dead-simple tool to keep track of your smart contract deployments and keep your docs up-to-date.

100% Open Source, Fully Self-hostable

Why Contrak?

Contrak picks up where smart contract deployment tools like Hardhat and Foundry leave off. It stores your deployment artifacts and helps provide context around deployments to your team and to smart contract consumers like:

  • Bug Bounty Hunters Ensure your in- and out-of-scope assets have up-to-date smart contract information

  • Developer Relations Keep DevRels informed about new contract changes that affect blogs, examples, and documentation that developers are using

  • External DevelopersDevelopers integrating your contracts in their frontends and composing with them on-chain can be notified of changes

Use Contrak to speed up your team's workflow and reduce confusion around smart contract deployments.

How it Works

Contrak integrates directly with your existing smart contract development tools through their deployment step. We currently support Hardhat via the deployment script, and Foundry with zero config by piping the output to the Contrak CLI.

Every time you deploy, your deployment artifacts are uploaded to your self-hosted instance of Contrak, and we auto-generate a Web UI and RSS feed that you can share with your team.


With Hardhat


With Foundry

With Hardhat

With Foundry


Deployment History & Artifact Management

Contrak stores and enriches your deployment artifacts so that they can be easily discovered and shared with your team, bug bounty hunters, and your developer community.

Detect when your docs go out-of-date

Contrak keeps a history of past deployments and warns you when your docs point to an old contract. Just deploy and let Contrak piece together the story of your on-chain history.

Auto-magically generated RSS feed

Keep your team in-the-loop about new contract deployments by linking Contrak's RSS feed to your existing Slack, Discord, or Telegram workspace.


We understand the value of your time. That's why Contrak skips configuration and applies sane defaults that let you get up and running within minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is my data stored?

Where can it be deployed?

Will this work with my complex Hardhat deployment script?

What level of support does Contrak provide?

What's the roadmap?

Deploy in under 5 minutes

Deploy in under 5 minutes

Self-host Contrak using one of our deployment templates or reach out to us to get started with Contrak in minutes

Self-host Contrak using one of our deployment templates or reach out to us to get started with Contrak in minutes

© 2023 Contrak. All rights reserved.